A.P.E.X. projects:
Everything from programs, prototypes, photography, and a future clothing line completely based around the four topics that we put the most resources into researching and developing.
(Note: prototypes are not mass produced or available for retail sale)
“Adaptability under fire is the most critical element in our arsenal.” -A.P.E.X. tactix
Weep survival accessories
"Wolves dressed as sheep"
An outdoor gear startup company based on wearable, modular, and quick-deployable survival gear that doubles as highly concealable accessories. These prototypes carry a myriad of survival tools in a very compact package such as belts, bracelets, and necklaces. Allowing the wearer peace of mind of knowing that they are prepared for many worst case scenarios while still looking entirely casual. #WEEPforthesheep

Team Shadow Reapers
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Fully sponsored tactical team that includes gear and training. Prior or current military service experience required to apply along with strict adherence to all laws of the state of Nevada. (A.P.E.X. tactix training location) Training consists of live fire exercises, CQC, dry fire movement drills, weapons manipulation training, survival tactics such as: rappelling, skydiving, bushcraft, escape and evasion techniques, edible flora and fauna recognition, and basic preparedness practice.
Our goal is to stay vigilant and mission capable in an unpredictable world, always defending, never attacking.
[Pictures and training footage are of SR-3]

W.R.A.T.H. Program
Weapons Readiness And Tailored Health
“Harness your wrath”
A weapons fitness program that improves cardiovascular endurance and functional performance using green status weapons in a safe and controlled manner, instilling physical preparedness while familiarizing yourself with your personal weapon systems. We are currently creating a free downloadable PDF exclusively for our website.
The Ex.P.E.R.T. Initiative
Executive Protection Effectively Reducing Threats (Long term goal)
The A.P.E.X. ExPERT will be a highly trained and skilled bodyguard, capable of reducing threats and increasing the survival rate of any principle.
Qualifications will include: weapons manipulation training, marksmanship training, executive protection training, combat lifesaver courses, wilderness survival training, advanced driving courses, freefall training, and dive training.
Possible prospects are currently being screened for selection and training. None exist as of the start of this initiative.
A.P.E.X. Flex Armor
Consisting of a core that is comprised of elastic strands which are surrounded by a polypropylene sheath that is woven into a breathable, stretchable, and modular carrier. Then fitted with NIJ IIIA kevlar panels, creating an ultralight, thin, concealable, and highly maneuverable ballistic rated body armor.
Project V.I.T.A.L.
Virtually Immersive Tactics And Livestreaming:
Virtual Shooting
Under the name of “The Shadow Reaper Chronicles”, A.P.E.X. subsidiaries is sponsoring project V.I.T.A.L. as a far more comical and less serious take on tactics through weekly gaming live streams that are great for morale, team building, and decompression.

Virtual Driving
Project V.I.T.A.L. has also partnered with Grace Racing as a sponsor of up-and-coming virtual race car driver James Grace. Be sure to check out his exciting rise through the ranks at www.iracing.com

Length Adjusting Corded Elastic Straps
Or "Shoe L.A.C.E.S" for short
We here at A.P.E.X. subsidiaries realize how valuable time is, which is why we believe in maximizing efficiency in all aspects of life. Putting on our shoes is no exception, which is why we’ve designed our own version of no-lace shoe laces. Made of braided shock cord and tipped with metal aglets, this prototype is our answer to the annoying every day problem of having to tie your shoes. Tie these once, and allow their incredible strength and stretch to slip on and off, time and time again.

Project T.A.P.
Tactical Armor Pack
Pending patent and prototype.
“You are perfection’s reflection, and this is your vacation..” -A.P.E.X. ethix
The Theme Park Theory: A Universal Philosophy
A philosophical belief system based on observations of life and nature that is predicated around unity and understanding. It shows us how we all come from the same eternal source, and are only separated by our biological filters and their limitations.
Book coming soon.
Project S.O.U.L. search
Seeking Out Unfamiliar Limitations.
Operation Deep Dive
Research and testing into neuro-linguistic reprogramming through a combination of binaural frequencies and repeated affirmations. The purpose being to study the effect on different brainwave functionalities in order to instill more positive and beneficial beliefs in the subconscious mind. By putting emphasis on the subconscious, we can create better conscious realities for ourselves.
Project T.H.O.R.
AKA, The House Of Rollercoasters:
A theoretical future theme park based on neural stimulating interface technology that would allow the wearer to relive past memories, helping people conquer traumas or enjoy long lost memories. (Long term goal)
“Courage is the only currency that fear accepts.” -A.P.E.X. aeronautix
Flight Refinement Research

Specialized hands on research into aerodynamics through the observation and study of nature, while also taking an active role in the sport of skydiving. All with the goal of creating flight innovations that can enhance performance and safety in human air travel.
Sky Sniper test flight
On September 30th, 2018, A.P.E.X. subsidiaries founder R.C.Cervantes (SR-3) successfully modified a sniper style ghillie suit to be free-fly friendly, before jumping it from a C-208 aircraft from 13,000 feet; at the Skydance Skydiving drop zone in Davis, California. Inspiring the concept for the Sky Sniper ghillie suit, which is now a part of our aeronautics program for further research, testing, and development.

Project Sky Silk
Research into the effects of electrostatically charged spider silk against the Earth’s ionized atmosphere in order to create smaller, lighter, and more advanced parachute systems in the future. This phenomenon known as “spider ballooning”, is the key to canopyless parachutes that could save countless lives in the future.
Project Blood Wing Oath
A special supplementary style sponsorship and mentoring program for former paratroopers to become licensed skydivers as a means of combating PTSD and depression. (Prerequisites apply)
Operation Desert Dive
A future fun jumper drop zone in Nevada for licensed skydivers or regular tandems. (Long term goal)
“There is nothing so simple that we can fit the entirety of it’s existence under a single label. Especially YOU.” -A.P.E.X. aesthetix
APEX Aesthetics Photography
Our team’s freelance photography page. Travelling the world and capturing beautiful moments from our journey’s.

A future modeling agency that stands for: “Feeling Love Along With Every Defect”. We are currently in the process of finding a division head to run and manage the Aesthetics division of APEX subsidiaries.
The MirAGE initiative
The M.I.R.A.G.E. Initiative stands for “Masterfully Integrating Reality/Anime/Gaming/Events”. The purpose being to bring high quality entertainment while giving the cosplay community a platform to display their work as they bring their favorite Anime and Gaming characters into the real world.