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You've just discovered one of several Easter Eggs hidden throughout our website. Now enjoy this added content directly from our founder!
A first look at an excerpt from our book:
The Theme Park Theory: A Universal Philosophy
The Four Fundamental Facts of our Frequency
The Law of Immersion
-Full immersion into this reality happens when a soul is born into a biological body, filtering it’s perception through unique flaws and limitations.
-All life must consume life to continue living. This is to ensure that everything gets to experience being predator AND prey, which contributes to the spectrum of emotions.
-No filter is better than any other. Only different in its limitations and spectrum of expiriences.
The Law of Ascension
-The ride must end. 5 seconds or 5 centuries makes no difference to Source. It WILL end, but death is not the destruction of life, merely a stepping off of this ride and awakening to our true form. Which is infinite, connected, and perfect.
-That does not mean one should go seeking their own ascension, it will come in its due time. We should all strive for a balanced emotional spectrum and a life built around our personal illusions of individualism while we have them.
The Law of Diversity
-Beliefs, ideologies, and motivations must be wide and varied. This allows for strife and conflict, an important piece in having a full spectrum of emotions to experience.
-You will not agree or get along with everyone, and that is by design.
-When you feel offended, rejected, or disconnected, try to keep in mind that we are all from the same source, so we should never go out of our way to hurt or kill unless it is for our own survival. I.e. sustenance or self defense.
-No one individual is amazing at everything, so our diversity is the key to our collective strength.
The Law of Adversity
-We must have adversity throughout life. Those are the drops in our roller coaster rides. If we aren’t challenged physically, then it’ll manifest itself mentally and emotionally in order to compensate.
-While suffering, pain, and loss will surround us on this side of the veil, happiness, love, and peace are not necessarily promised before returning to perfection. They are, however, attainable through the correct balance of perception and intention.